Friday, June 12, 2020

Non-Plagiarized Research Papers

One of the most stupid mistakes we can make as students is to try to fool our teachers. On the one hand, these teachers have been students as well at some point, and on the other hand, they are far cleverer and sharper than we are to fall into our sneaky traps. Knowing all this, we still make one of the most common mistakes when writing papers – â€Å"I will do my research paper by copying another person’s work†. Don’t try to plagiarize. Remember that teachers also live in the same century as we do, and can actively use some apps to catch you red handed. Here are some of the best apps that both teachers and students can use to detect non-plagiarized research papers. 1. Copyleaks Teachers, who like to receive assignments and essays online, can use Copyleaks effectively to scan each and every assignment involved in the breach of copyright. This app goes as far as 60 million pages on the web to make sure that a student has not been participating in lifting off information. This app is also very helpful in finding out if the student has stated the accurate statistics in their essay. It might be hard to believe but there are students who actually make up numbers themselves to make their essays appear well-researched. 2. Grammarly Grammarly is a well-known app for detecting plagiarism, and moreover, it also makes it easier for teachers to proofread and spell-check essays without losing their vision, or their mind. Grammarly looks over 8 billion web pages to ensure that the essay is free from plagiarism and can detect as much as 205 kinds of grammatical errors. 3. Article Checker Article checker might not be as accurate or in-depth checker as ones mentioned above, but it is still a great time-saving app. It does not ask for installation or uploading files before checking. Just copy and paste an essay and you’ll have all the plagiarized words detected. It is a very handy app for teachers who are not very competent in technology, or for those who have put some fear of God in their students and they know it. 4. Plagscan The Internet has made lives of many teachers true nightmares. There is far less research and far more bootlegging of information in essays. And then, there is this unsolved mystery of students who are so competent in the web, being so inept when it comes to simple college essays. Nevertheless, Plagscan is a great app to uncover even some forgotten sources from the web and detect them in students’ essays. Unfortunately, plagiarism is nothing more than a sad act via which students deceive themselves. Better learn some lessons now or you will face very embarrassing grades, despite all the pain you have taken to write the plagiarized essay. Do not neglect these useful apps! Choose one that will be the easiest for you to use and make sure that you always provide original papers that are free from plagiarism.

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